Archive-name: animal_antics01-05^11

From: (Ken Nestle)

Subject: Animal Antics 001 (01/11)


Marcie Edwards stood breathlessly in the darkened hallway, one hand on her tits. The large, empty house seemed to press down around her as she listened to the moans coming from behind her cousin's door.
"Yesss . . . oh yes, doggie, lick me there . . . right there! ".
No one seemed to be home. Aunt Mary was in Bakersfield shopping, while Uncle Jack was somewhere out in the north fields supervising some new plowing.
"Ummmm . . . right there . . . ohhhh Pardner, right there . . ."
Marcie had thought something was odd about Kathy lately, something she hadn't noticed during her last vacation to her uncle's farm in Central California. Now as she tiptoed down the long corridor, her sandaled feet sinking in the thick, blue carpeting, the teenaged blonde felt she would find the answer to Kathy's mysterious, secretive behavior.
"Ohhhh, Pardner, your tongue ... your tongue! "
The door was partially open. Marcie stopped, her breathing shallow and raspy. For a second the teenager was afraid Kathy would hear it. But the girl was making far too much noise on her own part to hear anything outside the door. Tentatively stretching out her right hand, Marcie pressed her icy fingertips against the door. Kathy had been careless. The door opened. Marcie held her breath, pressing one side of her face against the molding and peering in.
"Ummmmmm . . . it's sooooo good, soooo goooood," Kathy groaned.
At first the girl saw nothing. There was the usual paraphernalia about-high school pennants on the wall, several stuffed toys scattered about the brightly painted room.
Pushing the door open a little more, Marcie caught sight of the double bed. Kathy's bare feet were shuffling back and forth frantically whil her gasping breaths were becoming increasingly loud. What was more surprising was the occasional swishing of something black and furry between those shuffling feet. The dog's tail! Marcie let out a shuddering breath, her knees growing suddenly very wobbly and weak. A dog! That's what's been going on! Kathy-her own cousin-was doing things with a dog!
Marcie wanted to turn and run. But something kept her there, standing in the doorway, clutching her tits as the moans increased in volume. She pushed the door open a few more inches and caught sight of Kathy. There, stretched prettily out on the large bed was the young brunette. Her chestnut-colored hair was fanned out behind her head. Both legs were spread widely apart, one bent at the knee and raised slightly so she could pet the animal on the back with her toes. Long streaks of saliva glittered as the animal licked up and down her slender body.
Pardner, the three-year-old German shepherd, was merrily licking the girl's pussy. "Oh yes, yessss," Kathy hissed, closing her eyes and rolling her head from side to side. Marcie thought she'd faint from the horror of the discovery. Once or twice she'd heard about women who did this kind of thing. Marcie remembered overhearing some boys talking about some club in Mexico where women fucked with animals. But her own cousin, her very own cousin was there stretched out on a bed, letting an animal touch her pussy with his tongue. And how she was enjoying it! Her face was a mask of obscene pleasure while her body rocked under the tender licking of the German shepherd.
"Your tongue's so hot, Pardner! Oh, it's so very hot and wet," Kathy moaned, raising her other leg, then letting both slip back down to the mattress.
In another moment, Marcie realized she was moved by what was happening under her horrified, widened eyes. Standing there in the doorway, the young girl felt a kind of hot, itchy tingle becoming worse and worse with each passing second. It was making her cunt shiver, tighten and get warm and moist as she watched Kathy writhe under Pardner's cuntlicking. Marcie found her knees rubbing together while her panties were growing damp around the crotch panel. Her nipples were getting very stiff and hard against her blouse. Instincitvely the teenager moved one hand up, rubbing her ringers against the itchy nubs.
Marcie closed her eyes, sucking in a ragged breath through her flaring nostrils. Why was she feeling this way? Why was she turning on watching Kathy jerk and twitch under her pet's licking tongue?
"Mmmmm, Pardner, touch me down there . . . yeah, good boy," Kathy said breathlessly, her hands now holding the dog's proud head.
"She's fucking herself!" Marcie whispered as she watched Kathy take the German shepherd's head and grip it tightly, rubbing its nose in and out, in and out of her drooling cunt.
It was awful! There was such a strange, wild look in Kathy's eyes as she did this. Her legs moved more widely apart while her brown hair flew in all directions. Marcie was holding tightly onto the molding, her fingernails sinking into the hard white enamel paint. The tips of her tits were so hard she thought they would break off as they rubbed against the smooth material of her white cotton blouse. Her cunt was moving, actually moving, the swelling cuntlips folding over one another while her clit popped out from the surrounding pink pussy flesh. Her knees were knocking together while an odd, comforting glow spread over her flesh.
"Oh God, God, it's gonna happen . . . it's . . . it's gonna . . . uhhhhhh!"
Marcie put one hand to her mouth, pressing the fingertips to her lips as she watched Kat fling her body back down onto the mattre The girl's face contorted into a wincing expression of pain. Kathy kept crying out, beating her clenched fists against the mattress while screaming out the dog's name again and again.
Kathy was making odd, jerky fucking movements, her feet now flat against the bed, her knees bent fully forward. Her thighs were tensi ng, relaxing, then tightening again as she danced her ass off the bed and fed the licking dog her pussy. She was fucking Pardner's mouth, driving her pussy up against his maw while clawing and clutching at the wrinkled coverlet.
"Fuck me, fuck me with that tongue!" Kathy cried.
Marcie suspected the girl saw nothing. She was staring straight up at the ceiling, her mouth half opened, odd guttural groans coming from deep in her chest. And over it all, there were the slick, smacking sounds of the German shepherd's tongue licking over her cunt! With a good deal of effort, Marcie turned around, leaning heavily against the wall. What she'd seen horrified as well as delighted her. She stumbled down the corridor, one of her sandals slipping from her feet.
"No, I've got to be dreaming," she whispered, one hand still against her mouth as she stumbled into the living room and leaned against the overstuffed chair. "Wrong . . . wrong!"
She moved around and sat heavily in the chair. It was only then the girl realized just how aroused she was. Watching her cousin Kathy gyrate under the dog's heavy cunt- licking had done something to her, something she couldn't quite understand fully. Kathy had looked so excited, so pleased at the touch of Pardner's tongue. There were no cries of agony or fear as the big black German shepherd mounted her and licked her pussy! Marcie sank back farther into the chair, rubbing her upper arms with both hands. How her flesh was puckered up into goose pimples! And all the while her cunt was still hot, so very wet and slippery down there between her white, shivering legs! It was a feeling she had had more often lately, and one she knew it was best not to have right now! That dog! That beautiful, wonderful dog fucking his tongue right into her cousin's pussy! There was nothing Marcie could do to shake the image from her mind.
"Ohhhh . . .", Gripping the armrests, the blonde teenager shook her head from side to side, her long blonde hair splashing over her throat. How could she feel excited over something like this? How could she?
Footsteps! Marcie did her best to compose herself, breathing more evenly, more steadily as Kathy entered the living room.
"Oh, you're here?" Marcie said, yawning an stretching her arms over her head . She prayed God Kathy wouldn't recognize the fact that she was not actually waking up from a deep sleep. The flush was still on her cheeks while the distinct smell of her aroused cunt hung around her like a heady perfume.
"Uh-huh," Kathy said, her eyes narrowing suspiciously as she walked around.
Her blouse and skirt were back on although her feet were still bare. And there right behind her was Pardner, his black nose still slick from the pussy juice of her cunt. Marcie looked away, her fingers tightening around the soft armrest. How her cunt burned under the steady gaze of the handsome dog!
"I was going to go into town with your mom, but I guess I just fell asleep," Marcie said, pretending to stifle another yawn.
"Yeah, it's kinda warm outside and today," Kathy said, her eyes looking a little out of focus.
She was probably still sliding down from her sexual high. That would be no surprise, considering the way she'd been acting under the dog's cunt-licking. Closing her eyes, Mar q-e could see her cousin twitching once more under Pardner's tongue. Oh, would she ever get that out of her mind?
"So warm I couldn't really sleep. I was a little tired too, Marcie," Kathy said, sliding down onto the sofa opposite the girl. Pardner followed, resting his head on Kathy's right knee. Again Marcie shuddered, lowering er eyes. "I . . . I think maybe I should make dinner or something, you know?"
"Mom's gonna be back soon enough," Kathy said airily, waving one hand in the air to dismiss the thought. "Come on back here . . . in my room. I wanna show you something."
"No! I mean," Marcie said, aware of the sharp edge in her voice, "I mean maybe I'd better do some chores around here or something. I've been here for nearly a week and I haven't done anything to help out."
"Come on, don't be silly," Kathy insisted, slipping one hand under her arm and forcing her to stand.
"Oh, all right," Marcie said.
There was nothing more she could do. Rising, the young girl glanced down at Pardner who had by this time rested his head on his front paws. Marcie stepped over the dozing animal, saying nothing as they walked down the corridor and into her cousin's room.
"You know," Kathy said, shutting the blinds that had been left wide open, "I don't think you really know about a lotta things." She flopped down on the bed, patting an area just to one side.
Marcie felt spaced, noticing that at least her cousin had straightened out the coverlet she'd been bouncing on. She wanted to run away from this horrible room. But that would only tip Kathy off as to what she'd been doing the past few minutes. The thought of admitting to spying on her cousin made her checks red with shame.
"For instance?" Marcie asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and watching her cousin start to unbutton her blouse.
"About guys . . . you know, fucking and all that," Kathy said frankly.
It was as if she'd been slapped across the face with a wet towel. Fucking! How her mother would have screamed if she'd heard her use that kind of language!
"What's wrong about saying it?" Kathy said, shrugging while sliding her blouse off her shoulders. Her full, red-tipped tits jiggled from the movements she made.
"And . . . and what are you doing?" Marcie gasped as she watched her cousin unzip her skirt, sliding it down over her thighs.
"I'm gonna teach you a few things. Come on, take off your clothes! Come on, I think my big cousin from the city knows all that much about fucking even about her own body."
There was something behind this. Marcie could sense it, could see it in the way her cousin was eyeing her. But what could she do? Smiling nervously, she decided to go along with the game, feeling kind of spaced and high as she kicked off her sandals and began undressing. She stopped with her panties at her knees, giving her cousin a questioning look.
"Come on . . . I'll show you some things about your body that you probably don't even know about," Kathy said with a smile as she kicked off her briefs.
"What if your Mom comes back and . . . and finds us like this?" Marcie asked, slipping her panties off over her feet and noticing how damp the crotch panel was with her cunt juices!
"I'll hear the car coming, just like I can hear dad's truck. We'll be okay."
Reluctantly Marcie went along, sliding up to the head of the bed stark naked, her blonde bush covering her.simmering cuntal mound. It was the first time she'd been so naked next to another person before! Her body tingled with that thought-that thought and the remembrance of what had gone on in this bed moments ago!
"See this?" Kathy said, bending over. She probed around in the brown fur feathering around her pussy. With a sticky little sound, her outer cuntlips came open and the girl beamed up at her cousin. "That's my clit. And, oh wow, does it feel good when something's touching it."
Marcie shuddered. That was what Pardner was going after so frantically before. He was nuzzling her, his paws scratching her thighs while he probed deeper and deeper with his furry maw for that clit!
"And it gets big when you rub it."
Marcie parted her knees so her cunt opened from the resulting tension. Her cunt hairs were finer than Kathy's, and Marcie could see her own cunt slit very easily. Gingerly, the girl brushed her finger over the downy plump cuntlips between her spread thighs. She could see the pussy juice glimmering under the fine matting. How she felt like finger-fucking herself right now in front of Kathy! But that seemed bad. The girl remembered stories her mother told her about girls who did that sort of thing. They began to like doing it and finally wound up as sluts. Marcie couldn't remember the whole thing, just the resulting discomfort she had felt when she thought about finger-fucking.
"Touch it, come on," Kathy encouraged.
Mrcie did as she was told, feeling a small shock cut through her legs. She inhaled a shuddery breath, licking her bottom lip.
"Doesn't that feel wild?" Kathy asked.
"Yeah!" Marcie was surprised at the shaky quality of her own voice.
"Sometimes I put a little oil on it, you know? Then I work my fingers around in circles. Both hands when I really feel hot. Jesus, just talkin' about it makes me want to do it again."
Do it? Again? After what she'd just done with the dog? Marcie didn't know whether to laugh or simply continue to look increduously at her cousin. She sat there cross-legged, watching the brunette fingering her pussy more rhythmically now.
"Don't you feel you"re doing something wrong? I mean, it's not right, is it?"
"No, nothing's wrong with it. Nothing's wrong if the feeling's so good!"
Kathy sighed, sliding down on the bed, digging her heels into the coverlet. Marcie watched, her eyes widening as a hot flush began to radiate out from her cunt up to her tits. Oh, she was turning on! And what would be the outcome of her young lust?

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Path:!imci3!!!!!!interaccess!knestle From: (Ken Nestle) Newsgroups:, Subject: Animal Antics 001 (02/11) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:42:14 -0500 Organization: InterAccess, Chicago's best Internet Service Provider Lines: 269 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b7 Xref:

Marcie watched as her cousin used her middle finger, fucking it all the way in, then bringing it back out. She stopped each time to give a lingering tickle to her clit. As far as Marcie could tell, there was no hint of the opening of Kathy' pussy. Even with her thighs apart like that it looked like soft unpenetrated flesh. Biting down on her lower lip, Marcie dabbed some oil on her fingers. Then, when she saw her cousin wasn't looking, she pushed her middle finger between her outer cuntlips.
"Mmmmmmm!" The feeling was mind-splitting! Marcie sucked in a sharp breath, her high-riding tits slapping wetly together while her belly tightened. "Oh!"
"Isn't it groovy?" Kathy breathed, undulating her legs against the mattress.
"Yessss . . ."
She could see why Kathy had turned on when the animal had touched her down there! How her mind reeled. And all she'd done was rub her fingers up and down over her cunt. And now . . . and now she could feel those hot cuntal walls cinching down on her invading finger, making her jerk her thighs back. She felt so dizzy and high. Marcie kept rubbing her pussy.
"Oh God!"
"You're still a virgin, aren't you?" Kathy asked, a sly smile crossing her lips.
"Yes," Marcie said, feeling somewhat ashamed for having admitted that.
"I thought so."
Marcie loved the feeling of her oily finger caressing the moist hollows of her cunt. She calmed her breathing, moving her thighs less frantically against the gathering coverlet.
"You know, I wonder . . ." Marcie murmured. "Wonder what?"
Marcie sucked in her lower lip, biting down hard until she could taste blood. Oh, that last spasm was so delicious!
"I wonder what it feels like . . . you know, having a guy on top of you and . . . and him doing that to your cunt."
Marcie felt so naughty, so wicked! Even with her very best friends at school she hadn't talked this freely about fucking. But here she was with her cousin, lying down stark naked, fingering her pussy and talking about fucking. And with that dog only a few feet away!
"I dunno," Kathy answered dully, her face gathering up in that red, pinched expression Marcie had seen only recently. "But I can hardly wait. Oh God, do I want to be fucked!"
The confession pumped up Marcie's courage even more. "Me too!"
Kathy stopped, giving her a look as if she'd known all along.
"I figured you Wanted to get fucked. I figured you like to do a lot more than you let on."
"Oh, wow!" Kathy said, closing her eyes and pumping her hips up and down.
Watching her cousin turn on like that suddenly made Marcie go wild. "Oh God, it gets so . . . itchy!
Marcie was rolling her hips slowly, moving her cuntal mound against her probing fingers. Her ass jiggled as she bounced up and dow against the mattress. She moved her hips wildly, acting like a young animal in heat. Oh, her thighs felt as if they were on fire! The places between her fingers and toes were tingling with a wild delight as that hot, tight feeling raced faster and faster through her body.
"Ohhhhh!" Marcie gasped.
"Isn't it wild?"
Marcie closed her eyes, stirring her finger around and around her clutcing little fuck hole. She could feel the tiny muscles around the edge of her pussy milking at her finger, drawing it in more and more. The feathery sensation of her cunt hairs brushing over her knuckles drove her wild! And all the time her clit was showering sparks into her pussy, making the girl feel she was about to faint.
The dog! Her cousin! Again the image of Pardner tongue-fucking her cousin drifted into her head. Marcie moved her ass more frantically. The feel of the coverlet under her ass-cheeks prickled her to a bouncy, fucking rhythm. She spread her legs more widely, rolling her head to one side and glancing at her cousin every few seconds.
The brunette was licking her lips and panting heavily. "See? I told you I'd be showing you some wild stuff in here."
"Oh, Kathy . . ."
"And now . . . oh wow, I always start cumming real fast when . . . when . . . ohhhhh!"
Kathy was moving crazily, her body jerking while her arms pounded the mattress on either side of her. Marcie frowned. It was strange, weird, and scary watching her cousin go through this. Of course she'd seen her act the same way with the dog. But that was different. Now she was part of it.
"Ohhhhhh!" What was that sensation?
Something very hot and wet was touching her legs. Her imagination? Fighting through the haze of sensation that had dulled her to everything except her own burning clit, Marcie brushed away stray hairs and saw that Pardner had sneaked into the bedroom! He'd climbed onto the bed and now he was mouthing her toes, drawing his tongue up the soles of her naked feet!
"No! Horrible! Get away!" She wouldn't be another experiment for this horrid animal! Jerking up, forgetting temporarily about her own sexual arousal, Marcie raised her right hand, slapping down hard at the beast. "Get away from me!"
Her first blow caught the animal off-guard, slapping him hard across the head. Pardner whimpered, backing down, his tail tucked between his legs. Marcie drew her hand back, watching him with wide, fearful eyes as he wheeled about and eyed her with shock.
Kathy was still humping at the air, her fingers squashing in and out of her tight virgin fuck hole. Pardner eyed the brunette, then turned back to Marcie, having apparently regained his confidence. He started approaching her, his pointed ears pinned back, his eyes slitting while a low growl came from his throat.
"No get away!"
Again Marcie raised one hand above her head. But this time she was less sure of herself. He was growling. The fur around his neck was standing up while his bushy tail quivered, standing straight out from his ass. Her muscles were tensed. Hesitating, the girl drew her ass back, back until it pressed against the pillows.
"No, Pardner . . . no . . . "
They had been friends from the moment she'd arrived. But now he was facing her as if she were his worst adversary! She looked down at the dog, her nostrils burning from the air she sucked in.
"Look, you've got the dog interested now," Kathy'said, a smile crossing her lips.
"Oh no, no . . ."
"I saw you standing there," Kathy said, her voice low and throaty. "I saw you standing in the doorway watching me while Pardner licked me off."
"You did?"
The German shepherd braced in front of her, his head down, his muscular shoulders trembling while she lay there spread-legged in front of him. And her cousin was only grinning at her.
"Sure. I figured you were hot for the same thing. But you'd need a kind of lead-in. That's why I dragged you back here. See what a good cousin I am?"
"No, it's horrible!"
"That's what you say now."
At that point the dog lunged forward. Marcie felt dizzy as she twisted around, stretching one arm and leg over the side of the bed as if she were going to roll away. That was the last independent movement she was to make that afternoon. Her knees trembled as the dog's paws scratched over her thighs. No, no, she could feel his muzzle probing hungrily between her thighs.
"No! Oh, I'm not like you, Kathy! Stop him! Please, stop him!"
She was beating the dog on his spine with her fists. But he didn't seem to notice her light blows. He pushed bravely on, fitting his body tightly between her legs. Her mouth opened wide, a breath rushing over her front teeth. "This can't be happening . . ."
Marcie was whispering to herself, feeling completely out of focus with the animal. She could feel the velvety wetness of her pussy exposed. She could feel the inner warm surfaces of her cunt rubbing together as she squirmed higher on the mattress. The dog wouldn't let her go, pressing one firm paw on her left thigh while pressing his cold black snout against her pussy. The girl arched her spine, snapping her head back at the touch. Pardner was such a handsome dog-big and black, his fur almost shining. His big brown eyes rolled up, staring at her while his pink tongue began licking at the bottom junction of her cuntlips.
"Ohhh . . . no, no, this can't be happening . . . it just can't be!"
"Oh yeah, Marcie. It's happening. It's happening to you like it happened to me."
Marcie shook her head, still trying to extricate herself from under the dog's grasp. Surely she wasn't that kind of woman, the kind who would let animals do things like that to her. Again she thought of those awful stories the boys at school told about the girls in Mexico who fucked with animals. How they laughed so dirtily, thinking those women the lowest things on earth. And there she was, prim and proper Miss Marcie Edwards letting this German shepherd molest her.
She was opening her cunt to him. Yes, oh God yes, she was sliding back down on the bed, resting her head on the crushed pillow while bending her knees and spreading them slowly apart for the cunt-hungry dog.
In response, Pardner was going wild. His tongue began slopping over the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, leaving long slick trail of spit. She was feeling the hot, sexy, rubbing drag of the dog's tongue over her skin! She moaned, closing her eyes while rubbing her fingertips over her tits. She squeezed them, feeling the rubbery nipple flesh rubbing up against her knuckles.
"Oh God!"
"Isn't it great? And if it wasn't for me you'd be wondering how it felt. Right?"
"Oh yes, yes .
Pardner held her down with both forelegs now, his tongue slopping up and down over her cunt. Each lick was bringing rivers of juice from her cunt. It was such a lovely, wonderful friction. Her knees fell apart more and more. She could hear her cuntlips unsticking. The dog moved forward, his head resting against her right thigh now. His ear rubbing up against her hot flesh. And he was licking her pussy steadily, nuzzling his snout against her swelling cuntlips almost tenderly. He was smelling her, tasting and smelling her cunt as she writhed and jerked like a speared fish.
"Oh yeah, Marcie. He's something else. I've been letting him do that to me for the past six months now," Kathy gasped.
She had slowed down her finger-fucking, rolling onto her side and watching as her cousin endured the big dog's tongue-fucking.
"Ohhhh . . ."
It was all so completely natural, not planned at all. The dog rested flat on his belly now, panting hotly through the curly hairs covering her pussy. He kept licking her cunt over and over again, his tongue halving her cunt so wonderfully!
"I can't let this happen . . . oh God, I . . . "
"Oh, shut up, Marcie! It's happening, and you're loving it. Admit it!"
"No, no!"
She couldn't bring herself to say that. She just couldn't. Clenching her teeth together, she fought the feelings scorching her veins. Again and again Marcie Edwards tried pushing out the feelings of delight making her pant so heavily. Oh, she wouldn't let herself give in to these feelings. She would fight them, push the dog off and try to regain what self-respect she could salvage.
"Uhhhhh . . ." It was impossible. The girl shivered with the consuming fever Pardner was giving her. Her hands reached down to her belly, back down to her cunt once more. Pardner slicked his tongue over her fingers, caressing them, moving around and touching her cunt again. "Nooo!"
How that hot pink tongue drove up and down her drooling cunt crack. Her clit burned as if someone had placed a drop of acid on the tip. She fanned her fingers out along the dog's neck, raising her feet from the bed. She was inching her knees back, back until they were nearly touching her tits.
A fucking position! Yes, she was in a spread-eagle position, widening her thighs for the dog's head.
"Wow, Marcie, that's heavy!" Kathy gasped, seeing her cousin freak out completely. "Come on, Pardner, fuck her! Go on, boy, go on and mount her. She wants to have your cock in her cunt."
The words made Marcie pant even more. Something had taken her over, something that was pushing her even further than her forward cousin Kathy had gone. She raised her legs a little more, letting them fall to either side of her body while she rolled her ass from left to right. At first the dog wasn't sure what was going on. He whimpered, staring at her, then tilting his head to one side and eyeing th frantic brunette. He dropped down, licking the dark wet pink gash of her cunt again and again. Marcie babbled and gasped to him as he raped her with his tongue. She brought her feet together at the sides of his head, rubbing them against him. How that tickling touch sent another rush of sensations through her! She couldn't think. No, she simply couldn't muster the strength to have one continuous line of thought in her mind. All she could think now was fucking, fucking, having that dog fuck her!
"Fuck . . . !"
"Oh yeah, Marcie, he's gonna do it! Doggie's gonna do it," Kathy said, her eyes wild and glazed.
Rolling over, the brunette pulled Pardner back, then began shoving him forward. The dog whined at the touch, then finally seemed to guess what was needed.
Marcie was working her ass around in tight, frantic circles, crying through her nose with excited little wheezing cries. It was crazy. It was just crazy to be doing something like this.
"Go on, boy, go on and fuck the bitch!" kathy cried.
Kathy was panting heavily, rubbing her cunt with one hand while guiding the big dog with the other. Pardner snapped back at the girl, then stood up, wagging his bushy tail slowly from one side to the other.
Marcie looked up heavy-lidded, -peering through her long blonde lashes at the beast in front of her. She shivered. He looked like something risen straight from hell! His forelegs were braced to either side of her raised thighs, his head dropped down while his nostrils still quivered as they took in the pungent smell of her juicing cunt. Marcie squinted, forcing her eyes to focus. There between his thick-muscled hindquarters was his cock-yes, a long, knobby red thing glistening with something very slick. Another hot shudder made her body quake as she stared at the dog's prick. He moved forward, more of that red cock extending from his furry sheath.
Marcie dropped her head down on the pillow. No, she wouldn't even think about what was happening. Her cunt was burning. Something was going to satisfy her pussy. That was that. She panted heavily, her narrow shoulders pressed hard against the pillow while she edged her knees back farther. Somewhere in the distance she could hear birds singing through the window as the dog slowly mounted her, his breath panting against her tits.
She felt his sharp claws against the bottom of her upended thighs. He was nervous padding around in front of her, his snout rubbing up against her left ankle. There was the sudden furry weight of his body pressing down against hers as he settled forward. Something very hot and very stiff was brushing up against her cunt! Again the girl opened her eyes and found herself eye to eye with Pardner.
"I . . . uhhhh . . . oh God, Pardner . . . uhhhh . . . fuck me . . ."
Marcie jerked her head from left to right, strands of her blonde hair tangling around her throat. She licked her dry lips again. He was settling his narrow ass down, pressing the tip of his cockrod against her swollen cuntlips.
Kathy was watching with wild eyes, her fingers fucking in and out of her pussy. "Oh wow, wow!"
"Uhhhhhh!" Marcie cried, arching her back while pressing her head into the pillow. "He's doing it! He's doing it!. He's fucking me, Kathy . he . . . he's fucking me!"

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Path:!imci3!!!!!!interaccess!knestle From: (Ken Nestle) Newsgroups:, Subject: Animal Antics 001 (03/11) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:43:24 -0500 Organization: InterAccess, Chicago's best Internet Service Provider Lines: 273 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b7 Xref:

"Ohhhh, do it, doggie, do it! Fuck her!" Kathy cried, her fingers fucking in and out of her brown-fuzzed cunthole. She was jerking her hips, pumping her plump ass back and forth while watching the dog fuck her cousin.
Marcie was groaning, rubbing the bare soles of her feet along the dog's powerful back while keeping her shoulders flat against the mattress. Pardner hunkered down, a growl from his throat sending shivers up and down the blonde's spine.
"Oh yes, yes!" Marcie cried, shutting her eyes so tight little yellow spots flashed behind her fluttering lids.
"He's doing it, Marcie. Oh wow, Pardner's actually fucking you!"
" I . . . uhhh . . . I know . . . and oh, it's so weird," the girl gasped.
She was being fucked, really fucked right here in front of her cousin. Time and time again her mother had warned her about boys, about the one thing they always wanted. And here she was letting a dog fuck her! Again the blonde teenager shook her head, trying to drive the image of her mother's frowning face from her mind as she felt Pardner's sharp claws scratch deeper into her thighs.
Pardner moved, uncertain of what he was doing at first. She felt his prick poking tentatively at her puffy cuntlips, the pointed cocktip stabbing at the crooked juicy crack, pulling back, then moving n again. The tiny bumps were rubbing deliciously against her red clit. Marcie cried through her tightly clenched teeth. Frantically, the girl rubbed her feet against the dog's sides to encourage him, wiggling her ass so hard the mattress started bouncing.
"Let him go for it, Marcie! Oh wow, let him go for it!"
The big muscles in her ass were cramping from the tension as she waited to get fucked. Spit dripped from Pardner's tongue, wetting down her tits. She could feel his doggie breath against her throat while his fur tickled the backs of her raised thighs. Her cuntal walls spasmed against his probing prick. The movement frightened the dog. Pardner yelped, drawing back. Fighting through the fog of lust, Marcie reached up, smoothing her hands on either side of the German shepherd's sides, feeling his warm hair tickling the sensitive flesh just under her nails. She cooed to the dog, rubbing him with her hands and feet, moving her ass slowly, sexily against him.
"Uhhhh, come on, Pardner, come on and fuck me," she whispered.
Those terrible words came so automatically to her! Only moments ago she'd been standing there in the corridor, frowning, watching her cousin with the dog. Marcie had rushed into the living room, not believing she'd seen something that horrible taking place under her uncle's roof. And yet . . . and yet here she was, lying naked in bed, letting Pardner fuck her! Her mind was spinning around and around. There didn't seem to be an anchorage for her thoughts as the animal lowered himself down and started fucking.
"He's doing it so fast, Marcie!"
Pardner was going wild, moving his doggie hips up and down rapidly, fucking only an inch or two of his cock into the girl's cunt. Marcie wriggled her hips more invitingly, feeling those slick bumps scratching that itch throbbing through her clit. The big animal let out another yip, tossing his hips from side to side, making her feel his fat red fucker'all the better. Marcie arched her back, pitching from left to right on the bed. She bucked her ass against the German shepherd, crying out his name, reaching out with one hand and striking her cousin again and again with her clenched fingers as the sensations in her cunt drove the breath from her lungs.
Marcie felt the world crashing down around her. Again and again she fucked her cunt onto the dog's cock, the hairs around his prick tickling her clit maddeningly. The teenager could feel his leathery little balls slapping against her upturned ass as she rocked against him. The acute tickle between her shivering thighs became incredibly intense. Marcie heard her cousin gasping. Turning her head, she saw Kathy watching her while her fingers flicked in and out of her hot cunthole.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum, Marcie! Wow, watchin' you and Pardner . . . uhhhh . . . it's . . . so . . . so . . ."
Kathy's right leg shot up in the air, then slammed down hard against the bed. The force rocked Marcie and Pardner while the young brunette tossed and whipped her cunt against her fingers. A fine froth bubbled up from her pussy, wetting down her palms and knuckles.
"Uhhhhh . . . Pardner . . . "
Fires of incredible lust licked up from her thighs, stimulating her clit until it curled from the fiery sexual lust. She bucked her body so wildly the girl nearly knocked Pardner from her cuntal grip. But the dog hung on, fucking his prick in so hard Marcie felt the cocktip pumping up against her cherry. That touch made her tuck her ass away quickly. Pardner lunged forward. But the two of them were too hot to go any further.
Marcie exploded, her cumming achingly powerful. She jerked hard, hot cunt juice flooding out onto her ass and wetting down the animal's swinging balls. Finally her movements were too much for the dog. With a howl, Pardner backed away, his prick slipping from the quivering, clenching movements of her pussy muscles. A cry of frustration escaped from Marcie's lips. She sought to get that dog-cock back in her pussy. But the dog was too hot. In a second Marcie felt hot jets of something very warm and thick spurting over her inner thighs. Pardner lowered his belly, rubbing his cum-shooting cock over her crotch again and again.
"Oooowwwwwwwwww!" Marcie was jerking her ass off the mattress and swaying from side to side as her cuntal walls buckled in and snapped shut on nothing.
The young girl could almost hear her cuntlips slapping wetly together as Pardner kept shooting his greasy doggie-spunk all over her legs and pussy. She threw her arms around his muscular body, hugging him tightly against her tits while her cuntal muscles cramped again and again. This was the biggest, hardest cum of her life! She could hear her cousin Kathy gasping and groaning next to her. At times the girl hit her with her fists.
Cumming! Everyone around her was cumming! How beautiful it was, jolts of white heat cutting through her again and again. She felt herself sinking slowly 'through the mattress, the world crashing in around her as she came and came and came.
When it was over, Marcie lay on her back, her arms stretched to either side. She could feel the hot doggie-cum cooling against her damp flesh. Pardner had climbed off her and was wheeling around to one side of the bed now, his head bobbing up and down. There was a thud as he jumped off, curled up and start licking his shrinking cock. With some effort the blonde teeanger raised her head from the pillow, watching him lick his prick. She shivered. To think that thing had been inside her pussy! He hadn't really fucked her all the way, not having penetrated her cherry. But she had felt that hard cock poking against her bunched cherry flesh, trying to fuck through. In a few more seconds he would have made it and . . . and . . . Marcie slid her hands around her upper arms, rubbing them briskly as goose bumps broke out all over her body.
She wasn't too sure she could handle what had happened today just yet. Shaking her head, Marcie turned toward Kathy. The girl was lying dreamily on her belly, making fucking motions with her plump, full-fleshed ass. Marcie thought Kathy looked pretty stretched out like that-her legs together, her toes pointed, her hands out of sight under her belly as she pumped her ass around in circles and up and down. Kathy's face was still red from the intense pleasure of having fucked herself with her fingers watching the scene next to her.
The girl was almost drugged, it seemed, from the way she was slowly moving her body. Marcie Could hear the wet, squashing sounds of her pussy against her fingers, and she shivered in delight.
"Maybe we oughtta get going. Your dad . . . "
"You go. I'll be down in a while."
Marcie shrugged her shoulders, swinging her legs off the bed. She grabbed her dampened panties from the floor, eyeing the big dog as he continued licking at his prick. Again the girt felt a shudder sweep through her body. It seemed almost impossible she would have done something like this, having let that dog mount her and . . . and fuck her! Marcie dressed hurriedly, all sorts of uncomfortable, unsettling thoughts sifting through her mind. Too much was happening to her in one wild day to sort it out now.
Kathy was calming now, moving her body like a snake. She rubbed her tits and belly against the firmness of the mattress. Marcie glanced at her as she buttoned her blouse and tucked it into her skirt, then looked away. Marcie felt so good, expectant of something that seemed to hang in the air. Would there be more?
"I'll go down and maybe set the table . . . or something," Marcie murmured, stopping in the doorway and turning around once more.
Kathy was till finger-fucking while Pardner licked his fuzzy little balls.
"I think I'm going crazy," Marcie whispered, hurrying down the steps to the kitchen.
Just in time! Pulling the dishes from the cabinet, Marcie saw her uncle's pickup truck bumping down the back road toward the house, a cloud of dust swirling behind it.
"Kathy, your dad!" Marcie screamed at the top of her voice, setting the dishes down quickly. She felt so guilty. More than once she stared at her reflection in the window, wondering if there were some way her aunt and uncle could tell what she'd been doing. Was there a mark, a look that would give her away?
They came in, all smiles and small talk. Kathy was the perfect little hypocrite, acting as if nothing at all had happened. She and Marcie had agreed to keep the dog outside. God only knows what he would have been like in front of the family, with both girls sitting there, their hot little cunts only inches away from his probing snout.
Marcie sat and listened, bored to tears over talk about wheat-planting time, the weather, and the market price of various grains in Chicago versus Kansas City. It was no wonder poor Kathy had turned to dogs instead of listening to this crap all night and day! Once, she heard Pardner jumping against the kitchen door, barking wildly. Her uncle shouted at the dog. But the sound of the animal made Marcie shiver in her seat. She felt the juicy heat in her cunt soak through the sheer nylon of her crotch band again. It was so wild, so crazy having that kind of feeling toward a dog. But there it was. And Kathy, she could see, felt the same way. Would dinner never end?
"Oh, and your brother's coming home this weekend," Aunt Mary said, setting down her coffee cup and smiling at Kathy.
"Oh God, what news," Kathy answered, affecting a bored expression as she shuffled her feet against the floor.
"She and Byron get along well, Marcie. Don't believe what you hear."
Her cousin Byron! She hadn't seen him for years, not since he'd joined the Marines and been stationed in Guam. What kind of complication would his return initiate? She looked at her cousin for guidance. But all Kathy was doing was sighing heavily, rubbing her hands against her thighs, obviously wanting to get away from the kitchen. She gave Marcie a mischievous wink, pushing back from the table.
"Well, we don't fight . .. exactly. Anyway, I guess it'll be good seeing him. When's he coming?" Kathy asked, folding her napkin neatly and placing it to one side of the plate.
"I think the telegram said Saturday morning . . . around eleven or so," Aunt Mary said, wrinkling her forehead in thought. "He's got thirty days' leave or something like that. I can never get all that military business straight!"
The conversation turned quickly to Byron - about how fast he'd grown up, about how handsome he was, and about all the work he was doing now in the military. After some time, Kathy managed to sneak out with Marcie.
"What's up?" Marcie whispered, carefully picking her way down the steps through the darkening night. A gentle breeze lifted Marcie's hair from her shoulders as she followed her cousin away from the house.
"I've never done anything like this before, Marcie. You've gotta trust me," Kathy said, stopping ahead of her and turning around.
Even in the darkness, Marcie could see her cousin's eyes glowing with excitement. A rush of heat made her flesh prickle. Something was up. She could sense that. Instinctively, she turned around, making sure her aunt and uncle were still engrossed in coversation about their son Byron and his return. No one else was out on the porch.
"What are you talking about?" Marcie asked.
"Come on. Dad just got a new horse . . . Tundra's his name. He's talking about breeding him or something with some of the mares around here. Dad's always got something up his sleeve," Kathy said, walking carefully through the high field grass growing between the gravel drive and the barn. The two girls climbed a slight rise to the barn door. Marcie again turned around. In the near distance, she saw the glow coming from the kitchen window. No one had followed them. She stood there as Kathy unfastened the barn door and pushed it open. The creak made Marcie shiver.
"Inside," Kathy whispered.
Marcie felt like a conspirator. Slipping past the door, she turned and closed it, bolting it from the inside. Immediately her nose was assailed with the sour odors of rotting hay and stale piss and shit. She'd get used to it. Again and again she told herself that as she followed Kathy past rows of empty stalls. Her feet shuffled through the loose hay, the stubble making her toes and the places between them itch terribly. More than once she shook the loose hay from between her feet and sandals.
"There used to be a lotta horses here. Most of 'em got sold off when dad decided to get mechanized and plant more wheat," Kathy explained, switching on another overhead light as they walked to the rear of the barn.
"And here's what's gonna make our fortune ... at least, according to Daddy."
Kathy switched on another light and stepped away. Almost immediately Marcie heard wild snorting, combined with banging noises. She jumped, moving back a foot. Then she saw him - Tundra, a beautiful three-year-old black stallion! She had seen horses like that in the circus and in parades - beautiful, graceful beasts, their muscles rippling beneath their silky flesh. They were so handsome, so attractive to her. And now . . . now she was standing there in front of him, her heart beating more quickly.
"Isn't he gorgeous?" Kathy whispered, seeing her cousin's reaction.
"Yes," Marcie answered breathlessly.
"And you know that expression . . . hung like a horse?"
Marcie shivered. She had an idea of what things were going to lead to now. "What?"
"Come over here. You can see his cock better," Kathy said, gesturing to her with one hand.
Marcie knew she should have turned around and walked right out of the barn. There was too much temptation here. What happened between Marcie and Pardner was unplanned, an accident. At least, she could pass it off in that way in her mind. But this was something else. But she moved forward, feeling as if her heart would literally leap through her throat.
"Isn't he wonderful? Come here," Kathy said, stretching out one hand to her cousin Marcie walked to the foot of the stall. Kathy was petting the big animal, rubbing her hand up and down his sleek head. In gratitude, the horse opened his mouth and licked her across the face. Kathy pulled back her head, laughing easily while rubbing the horse along his mane. He whinnied a bit, moving his hindquarters around to one side as Marcie approached warily.
"Don't move too fast . . . that's it."
Marcie draped her arms over the front edge of the stall, staring at the horse, her eyes traveling back over his rippling muscles to his cock. She saw Kathy's eyes round with amusement and agreement as she gasped. Yes, he was . . . hung! That was the word for it, hung! His cock was so big - at least eight, maybe ten inches even now, soft. And so thick! Marcie drew back, turning around and pressing her soft ass against the rough wood of the stall.
"Wouldn't you like to touch it?" Kathy asked, shrugging and giggling nervously.
"I . . . I don't know."
Come on. Nobody's gonna see us. It's gonna be a real trip," Kathy said, giving Tundra another pat before taking off her red-and-blue jersey.

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Path:!imci3!!!!!!interaccess!knestle From: (Ken Nestle) Newsgroups:, Subject: Animal Antics 001 (04/11) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:44:34 -0500 Organization: InterAccess, Chicago's best Internet Service Provider Lines: 241 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b7 Xref:

"Isn't it wild?"
The two girls had stripped completely, opening the stall and stepping into Tundra's private domain. He backed away, his big brown eyes rolling from one naked girl to the other. Marcie felt so foolish. Kathy had conned her into another one of her wild exploits-this one more weird than the one with the dog.
"I guess so, arcie said nervously.
"Oh, don't be such a prude! Come on, let's pet him." Kathy was moving alongside the big beast, rubbing her hands along his sides.
Marcie watched her cousin for a bit, then did the same. Carefully, she walked up to the panting animal, stretching out one hand tentatively. How warm his flesh was! The short fur tickled her fingertips as she rubbed him just at the base of his handsome neck. At times Tundra whinnied and snorted, throwing his head around, his long black mane fluttering from the movement. Marcie's heart was beating wildly as she stepped forward, pressing her naked body against the animal's side.
"Ohhh, isn't this goovy? Isn't it wild?" Kathy whispered.
Marcie was panting, resting one side of her face against the animal's body. Tundra was moving his hindlegs from side to side, his breathing becoming harder and yet more steady. Something was happening again to Marcie, something she couldn't understand. She was growing excited, really excited just standing there and pressing her cunt against the horse's front legs. Every move he made sent ripples of joy through her pussy. Looking over Tundra's neck, she saw Kathy rubbing her tits against the animal's side. There was the same mask of pure sexual joy at doing third with the stallion. Horse hair brushed teasingly over Marcie's cunt mound and her clit. The young girl sighed heavily, leaning against the horse and rubbing her hands in broadening cirlces against his body.
"Come on, Marcie, let's do it!"
Marcie swallowed hard, watching as her cousin moved back, back toward the animal's hindquarters. She was cooing to the horse, repeating his name again and again as she edged back with her hands. Swallowing again, Marcie followed suit, talking to Tundra while edging back. In a bit she found herself near his tail, watching the black thing swish rhythmically from side to side. Dropping her eyes once more, she saw his prick. But this time his cock wasn't soft.
No, oh God, no! The presence of the two girls rubbing him, talking to him, exciting him had done its trick. Tundra stood there, his two-foot cock standing straight up against his belly! Kathy was bending down slightly, her hands rubbing against Tundra's belly. Her eyes were wild.
Marcie stretched one hand forward, her fingertip brushing the hard, hot cockmeat. Almost immediately Tundra bolted, his hindlegs stomping the hay-strewn floor while he tossed his head around.
"Easy, easy," Kathy soothed, rubbing her hands along his sides.
Marcie stopped until he calmed, moving her hands along his underbelly again until she was caressing his prick. This time Tundra didn't move. He stood there, his belly heaving and tightening with excitement. Kathy joined in, moving her hands along his huge balls.
"I never saw a horse do it . . . you know, fuck. I didn't think anything could get this big and hard," Kathy admitted.
"It's . . . it's freaky," Marcie said, feeling the hard prick throbbing under her fingers.
She wasn't sure what she was doing. No one had told her about foreplay. But Marcie went on instinct, touching that long, hard, black horse-cock again and again. At times she moved her fingertips to the rounded black cockhead. Tundra liked that, she thought. He snorted through his nostrils, shaking his head from side to side. At times she pulled out from under the horse, staring at him, watching his eyes brighten when she touched his cockhead.
"Wow, I bet I could let him fuck me!" Kathy said, sliding under the horse and grabbing both his balls in her hands. "I bet I could take something like that right up my cunt."
Marcie knew it was awful. But Kathy was, saying what was going through Marcie's mind., Yes, Marcie could have enjoyed something that big and hard in her cunt. It would fuck into her soft pussymeat like a hot rod through a tub of butter, stretching her cunt to the tearing point. But how in the world could she get him to fuck her? He'd kill her with those strong hoofs.
"Oh wow, Marcie, I think he's gonna shoot. You know, I think he's gonna cum!"
Marcie shook the daydream from her head and looked down. The veins were throbbing against the tightly drawn black skin of his cockrod. Pre-cum was oozing from his pis slit, wetting down her fingers. It was freaky!
Tundra suddenly stopped moving, his head erect, his eyes wild, rolling, burning with a terrible intensity. Marcie tightened her grip on the fat black prick, working her fingers faster and faster, up and down, pounding the cockmeat until she heard the stallion snort widly.
"Oh wow, here it comes!" she gasped.
He shot - long and hard, a powerful white jet of cum arching form his prickhead into the hay. Tundra whinnied and backed away as a second and third stream of cum shot out. Marcie nearly fell over in a faint. She could feel the rushing of cum through the full length of his prick rumbling through her fingers! She pumped the cock again and again while her cousin milked the stallion's balls.
"Far out!" Kathy cried as the streams of jism decreased in intensity.
The two naked girls stayed crouched under Tundra's belly until the last few drops of his cum oozed from his piss slit. Marcie held onto the fat cock, shaking the last bit of cum from it, then dropping the cock as if her fingers were burning.
"Wild . . . really wild. We'd better get back to the house, though," Kathy said, climbing out from under the stallion. Tundra was shaking his mighty head from side to side, snorting down at the two young women.
"Yeah, guess you're right," Marcie agreed.
She hadn't cum. Marcie hadn't reached the peak Pardner had driven her to. But that lack of satisfaction only made her want to come back. Maybe she'd sneak back into the barn without Kathy some night and . . . and . . . oh, what was she thinking of? Her mind must be going! She dressed quickly, almost ashamed to look at her cousin.
"Hurry up. Mom and Dad may come looking for us," Kathy whispered, straightening out her skirt and picking out the few bits of hay still clinging to the soft material.
Slipping on her sandals, Marcie left the stall, carefuly closing the door and giving the stallion a last look.
"Kathy, this whole thing's too weird! I don't think I can do someting like this again," she whispered, stepping from the barn while her cousin closed the door behind her.
"Don't worry about it. Nobody's gonna know . . . nobody."
They ran back to the house, stopping short of the back porch to catch their breaths. Sure enough, her aunt and uncle were still talking about Byron, about his return, and about their plans for him when he got out of the Marines.
Quietly, Marcie picked up the scrub brush and helped Kathy do the dishes, stacking them, neatly in the drying rack. Then she slipped off to bed while Kathy watched TV. No, what happened to her had made her too tired to watch some dumb TV show. She felt as if she had to sleep a long, long time. She was weary. in the morning things might be different. They always were, it seemed, when the day finally came. Climbing the stairs, she made it to her room, undressed, and fell across her bed.
"My name's Marcie. I haven't lost my mind," she said. And then the girl closed her eyes. After some rather erotic images passed through her mind, sleep finally came . . .
Friday came quickly enough, neither girl daring to try someting with the dog or horse as Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack were always poppihg up in one part of the house or another, getting ready for a party they were going to throw for their son.
Friends were called, decorations delivered. The drab little farmhouse took on a festive look as balloons and crepe filled the livingroom and dining room. Saturday finally dawned. And in the afternoon, as had been said in the telegram, Marcie's cousin Byron arrived in uniform.
How handsome he was! In her prim white party dress, Marcie suddenly felt like a childish little girl. Of course, in the past few days she'd done things with the dog and horse that little girls didn't even dream of. But suddenly that wasn't so important. At least for now. Marcie pushed those experiences from her head, trying to look as pretty and innocent as possible as Byron walked in, flashed her a friendly smile, then hugged his mother and sister.
The party went on through the afternoon and into the night. Marcie was enjoying herself immensely. For one thing, Byron seemed to be noticing her more and more. He'd slipped off his military dress jacket and loosened his tie. He was busy telling his buddies stories of boot camp and then the Orient. They all laughed heartily, drinking their beer while the girls fluttered around nervously.
"But my cousin Marcie's the prettiest one around here," Byron said, toasting her with A can of beer.
Marcie blushed furiously, batting her eyes while blood rushed into her cheeks. Her peachy complexion seemed to glow, making her blonde hair look even blonder. She had combed it down straight for this party. Now it hung over her small shoulders. As she danced with a few of the boys, she felt her hair brushing over her bare arms. Suddenly she felt wild and free and sexy in front of Byron. She wanted him to notice her badly. Of course, the girl was careful, behaving herself since her aunt and uncle were there. After a while, Marcie was feeling a little high from all the dancing. The older folks were standing around on the front porch, leaving Byron and his friends to themselves. Kathy came in with her date - a boy by the name of Craig. Kathy would have given her right arm to have him fuck her, Marcie thought. But the boy was so bashful, the son of a hard-line Methodist who made the preacher look like the Whore of Babylon. Marcie smiled at Kathy's dismay as the brunette snuggled closer up to the handsome, lanky boy. Craig blushed, pushing her gently away.
"Here, have a little of this," Byron said, whispering in Marcie's ear. His lips were so close Marcie half expected to feel a tongue sticking into her ear. She nearly jumped from her skin.
"Your mother . . . "
"Don't worry," he said, winking slyly at her. "She's not gonna come around and check . . . leastways, not for a while."
Marcie deferred, walking to the bathroom with Kathy right behind her.
"Byron's really attracted to you," Kathy said, checking her lipstick in the mirror. "I can see that. I always thought he was a little randy. Better watch out, Marcie, or you're going to be lying flat on the bed with Byron on top."
Marcie blushed furiously again, shrugging off the comment.
"I don't know what you're talking about. But he is handsome. And what about your date? Don't you wish he'd be doing the same thing to you? I mean, taking you and fucking you?"
Kathy bit her lip. "It's only our third date. I'm dying to, but I'm afraid he might think . . . you know."
Marcie nodded, surprised at the way her cousin could worry about her reputation now - while she didn't mind letting a dog fuck her. And messing around with that horse! That was something Marcie couldn't come to terms with. But now there was the party and Byron ogling her with that strange look in, his eyes.
"Yeah, I know. I'm even a little bit afraid your brother thinks I would . . . well, let him take advantage of me. After all, we are cousins. Something like that would be incest, wouldn't it?"
Kathy shrugged. "Dunno. I don't care. Just make sure my mom and dad don't catch you doing something. We wouldn't hear the end of it!"
Marcie nodded. "I . . . I guess I'd better watch out. "
"You bet. I've been overhearing some of the stories he's been telling the guys. If half of 'em are true, Mom raised one hell of a stud," Kathy said, giggling nervously.
"Let's go," Marcie said, feeling hot in the small room.
Just talking about guys, thinking about Byron, daydreaming about the dog made her excited. Heat was building between her shivering thighs, heat that didn't belong at a party thrown for her cousin. Kathy gave a last look at herself in the mirror, then turned and opened the door. When they came back into the living room, Byron was dancing with one of the other girls. He looked sexy, especially now that he'd taken off his tie and opened the top three buttons of his shirt. He wasn't the lanky farmboy she remembered from years back. He was handsome, darkly so, with shocks of black hair dangling sexily over one eye. He led the girl easily about in the fast dance, his eyes constantly meeting Marcie's.
"Ohhhh, he's going to try to put the make on you tonight," Kathy whispered, drinking some of the punch her date Craig had gotten for her.
Byron left the girl after the dance, dipped some punch into a small cup and handed it to Marcie. She took it, her fingers icy and trembling under that hot, steady gaze.
"You wanna go upstairs?" he whispered.
Marcie gave him a stupid, uncomprehending look. She nearly spilled the punch all over her white party dress from the shock of the question.
"Come on," he said, tucking his hand under her arm and leading her to the stairs.
Marcie turned her head around, flashing a panicked look at Kathy.
"Okay . . . I guess."
His fingers seemed to burn through the material of her dress as they climbed the stairs with two or three others behind them. Kathy was in tow, giggling and leaning heavly against her date. As Byron moved in front of Marcie, she watched the way he walked. God, he was sexy! Just the way he held himself, the way he stared at her made her shiver and burn all over.
Upstairs, things started to happen fast. Byron left her for a while, returning with more beer for everyone.
Kathy was snuggling up next to Craig, sliding one leg over his. The young farmboy didn't seem too reluctant to show some affection now. Marcie smiled at Kathy, silently congratulating her cousin on her triumph.
Marcie had only had beer once or twice before. She was soon feeling giddy. She leaned against Byron, feeling the warm pressure of his body against hers. He laughed easily, stroking her long blonde hair.
"A little more beer? Come on, it's my party," Byron said.
Marcie knew she shouldn't. But she took another can of beer.

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Path:!imci3!!!!!!interaccess!knestle From: (Ken Nestle) Newsgroups:, Subject: Animal Antics 001 (05/11) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:45:43 -0500 Organization: InterAccess, Chicago's best Internet Service Provider Lines: 291 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b7 Xref:

"Byron I don't know what I'm doing!" Marcie exclaimed, feeling the floor moving under her feet.
She held onto her cousin, giggling. Turning around, she saw someone smiling at her. It was her cousin Kathy. Marcie could only see that smile dimly through the darkness.
"Come on . . . "
"I don't want any more beer." Her voice sounded so funny.
"I think Byron wants to fuck you,' Kathy whispered.
"Don't say things like that."
Marcie was freaked out. What had her cousin said? No, it was some sort of joke. She was wandering around the darkened room, searching for the door that seemed to elude her. Someone.was grabbing her hand. Byron. And then suddenly she felt him pushing her up against the wall. Marcie raised her hands, pressing her damp palms against his chest and trying to push him away. It was no use. He was crushing her against the plaster. Her slim ass flattened against the wall. She was breathing heavily. She thought she was going to scream as he pushed his hands through her hair.
"You're somethin' else. Not that little snot-nosed brat I remember."
Marcie felt his chest rising and falling against her tits. She knew she should try getting away. But it was the same as with the dog and horse. Something was keeping her there.
"I can't breathe . . . You're making it hard for me to . . . "
His mouth was teasing hers. She didn't feel sure about herself, about this party, about anything anymore. He was bringing little jabs of hot excitement to her with his heavy touch. His hand moved down her side, traced over one hip, then moved down farther.
No! He had to stop. He couldn't go any further. They were cousins!
"Please . . . "
"I'm gonna suck your tongue," Byron growled, holding her head firmly in his hands. For a second Marcie thought he was going to crush her head. Then he kissed her savagely, his front teeth grinding against hers. She whimpered through her nose, still pushing against his chest. But Byron stuck his tongue down her throat, tonguing her mouth wildly, then nipping and sucking at her tongue. His hands moved down, down, fingers curling under the hem of her white party dress. In a second she felt the hem rise up to her waist. In another moment Byron was cupping her cuntal mound through her panties. He pushed one finger in far enough for the velvety dampness of her pussy to seep through the nylon and wet his finger.
"Ohhhh . . . I don't think we'd better . . . "
Byron had slipped a finger under the skimpy band that clung damply to her cunt. She felt the fingernail rubbing up against the swollen ridge of her pussy. Shocked at his behavior, the blonde teen tried lurching away. But movement was impossible. His hips were still trapping her body against the wall. All she could do was moan into his mouth as he kept on fingering her pussy, drawing more cunt juice from the fuzzy fuck hole.
"Jesus, you're hot down there. And you're tellin' me you don't want this? Come on."
The door slammed behind her. They were hurrying down the hall, Marcie stumbling behind Byron. One of her sandals had slipped from her feet. Another room. His room! Once more Marcie felt herself plunged into darkness. Byron was shoving her back playfully, pushing her onto his big bed. In another second he was pulling her other sandal from her foot, rubbing her toes.
"Byron, really, I don't want to be in here with you. I should do something else . . . please, just let me get up and . . ."
"You don't wanna be in here? Your cunt's so damned hot it practically burned my finger when I shoved it in. And you don't wanna be in here with me," he said mockingly.
Again he pushed her back on the bed, grabbing one foot and holding it to his lips. He was sucking her toes now, lapping them wetly with his tongue. And the bottom of her foot was tickling so deliciously. What was he doing to it! Weakly, the girl tried kicking him away. But Byron caught both her feet. He was kissing up the back of one calf. Marcie gasped. Never before had she imagined anything like this in her wildest dreams. Then again, she hadn't thought about fucking with animals, either.
"Damn! Oh damn!" she cried through her clenched teeth, feeling herself slipping away under her cousin's tonguing.
"That's it, baby, just relax and go with the feeling."
Now she was on her stomach. Marcie fought for some sense of reality. Everything was happening so quickly for her. She didn't remember being rolled over this way. And now he was pushing up her dress, hooking his fingers over the elastic waistband of her panties and pulling down. She felt the damp briefs skinning over her plump asscheeks, stopping at her knees. Again there were those hot hands pawing her asscheeks, spreading them apart. She could feel his fingers' kneading the resilient white ass flesh, sliding into the dampness of her ass crack. He was spreading the cheeks of her ass apart, panting heavily into her ass crevice, exposing her cunt and shitter.
"Don't . . . don't . . . "
Marcie blushed with unspeakable shame. She was exposed so awfully in front of her cousin, her own cousin! She felt his tongue slosh across the curve of her ass, his nose pressing against her ass crack. She groaned, pushing her ass up while digging her knees shakily into the mattress. Shameless, wanton! It was almost like the feeling she'd had when Pardner licked her pussy.
"Man, it's hot down here, Marcie. You're really steaming down here between your legs!"
"Oh God!"
Byron had jammed his face between her asscheeks, moving his face from side to side. She could feel his stubbly chin rubbing against the inner curves of her asscheeks. It was so wonderfully, wickedly good having him teasing her shitter and cunt. His fingers pressed hard into her asscheeks while he breathed lightly into her asshole. Marcie groaned into the crushed pillow, punching her fists into the soft case while jerking her thighs up a little higher. She wanted to feet more of that tongue, more of those lips sucking at her' cunt and shitter!
"You like that, don't you, Marcie? You like having your pussy touched and sucked out, huh?"
She wanted to say no. She wanted to be a good girl, just like her mother had told her to be. But something had happened to her during the past few days, something that made her feel very naughty when her cunt got tight and hot!
Byron pulled her panties down all the way now, sliding back to strip them over her ankles.
"Ohhhhh God, God!"
He was back between her legs now, licking up her thighs, pressing his nose against her cunt. He was so strong, so overpowering.
"That's it, move that ass!"
She felt herself whirling around the room. Was it the beer? Was it Byron and his tongue? A combination of both, she thought as she held onto the bed and felt his lips rubbing against her cuntlips. It was a new sensation for her, one far more subtle than the tonguing she'd received from Pardner. To have Byron's mouth pressing hotly against her swelling cunt made her gasp with delight. She cried out into the pillow, biting on the cotton case, tossing her head about while his tongue teasingly rimmed the rubbery rim of her pussy.
"Oh, God! Ohhhh!"
Her chest heaved mightily as he moved his head around, sticking his tongue in her cunt all the way, rubbing his front teeth against the folded outer cuntlips so hard she could feel each individual tooth against her pussy. Marcie held onto the pillow more frantically, digging her knees hard into the bed while raising her ass higher. She was backing into him, fucking her ass back into his face, then wiggling her ass like a tail from left to right. Byron appreciated her fervor, groaning into her pussy, licking deeper and deeper into her cunt until Marcie could feel the tip of his tongue pressing against her cherry. For a second she thought he was going to burst right through that little bunch of flesh and rob her of her innocence right then and there!
"Fuck it out, Marcie!"
"Ohhh . . . fuck it out . she echoed, coughing into the pillow.
He was rimming her cunt again with the tip of his tongue, stroking both hands on either side of her swollen cuntlips. More pussy juice seeped from her fuck hole, trickling down to wet her thighs and Byron's face. The smack-ing, wet sounds echoed in her head, driving her more wild than before. And always there was that mushy sucking feeling of his tongue wriggling over her cunt.
His strong hands gripped her tightly around the hips, gently turning her around until she was on her back. He had her skirt all the way up to her waist. Looking through her blonde lashes, Marcie saw him take off his Marine shirt, then strip off the cotton T-s rt underneath to reveal his massive, sweat-streaked chest. The girl let out a shivery moan as he reached up and caressed her tits.
'You're beautiful, baby, and hot for this . . . real hot for it. You've been waitin' for someone like me to come along and pop that cherry between your legs. And Byron's gonna do it!"
"Nooo . . . hurt . . . hurt . . . "
He moved his hands down once more, his strong fingers cutting into the muscles just above each of her knees. He was spreading her legs inch by excruciating inch. She liked that feeling very much.
"Ohhhh, Byron . . . you're doing things to me that . . . that I don't understand!" Marcie cried, shaking her head.
"Don't worry about it. Just go with the feelings, baby, just flow with 'em."
He dropped his head again, slicking his tongue up and down, sucking hard. She was moving her hips. It was impossible not to. She dug at the bedspread with her fingers, tossing her head wildly, feeling her long blonde strands tangling around her throat. His hands trembled, fumbling with the zipper of her dress. There were movements that confused her. At one point she felt him lifting her from the bed, gathering her dress up and pulling it off. She felt her big tits hefting stickily up from her chest, then falling back down.
All Marcie knew was that in a few seconds he had stripped her completely She lay naked on the bed, completely exposed to her horny cousin.
"Gonna eat your pussy a little more. Then we're gonna have us some fuckin' fun."
No! No! She wasn't ready to . . . to fuck! The dog had overpowered her. And besides he had such a little cock. From the size of the bulge running down Byron's right pantleg Marcie could well guess how hung her cousin was. Images of the horse flashed through her mind as Byron held her down with one hand while he snaked his tongue up through her cunt hairs to her belly. Marcie let out a shivery gasp, her belly tightening at that hot, wet touch of his tongue around her navel. He moved it around in widening circles, at times tipping his tongue into her belly button, at other times dropping it back down to her clit. Oh, it was when he touched that cum center that the girl thought the ceiling would crash down on them! She jerked her knees up, pressing the insides of them against her cousin while twisting her ass up from the bed!
She was pumping her hips up and down, up and down just as if she were fucking. When Byron touched her clit again with his tongue, she let out a moan.
He was halving her cunt again with his fingers, searching for her clit with his tongue, petting it gently with the tip. She clung to his neck, whimpering, begging him with lusty grunts for more.
"You're ready now, baby, really hot and ready to go."
"Oh please, please."
Please what? Marcie didn't know. She saw her cousin sliding off the bed, his fingers fumbling with the zipper of his pants. She watched breathlessly as he pulled down the tab, opening his trousers.
The horse! Byron was just like the horse, only his cock was less tapered at the end. Wouldn't her cousin Kathy just howl if she could see her brother now, undressed like that and with a prick that was so big? Marcle's mouth gaped open, her eyes widening as Byron's prick sprang up from the donfines of his loose-fitting trousers. He smiled, dropping one hand to his balls and scratching them. His cock wagged up and down, the double-lobed, blood-heavy cockhead dribbling pre-cum. Marcie tucked her ass back, dropping her right hand to her crotch protectively. Was he crazy? Was he going to fuck her with that big cock?
"Wh . . . what are you doing?" she asked, feeling the bed sink down as he climbed back on.
"Gonna fuck you, real nice and slow and easy. You're gonna feel every inch of my prick spreadin' you open nice and hot. that's what you want, right? You wanna feel my prick rubbin' up against your clit, drivin' you nuts?"
"I . . . ohhhh . . . "
His hands were back on her shoulders, pushing her down to the mattress. Marcie was breathing hard, her mind whirling faster than it had when Byron had been eating out her cunt. She struggled upward, drawing her knees together. But Byron had already knelt between her thighs. There was no way she could keep that monster cock from snaking up through her pussy hairs and fucking her.
"Oh no!"
He was on top of her, his chest pressing her tits flat. She felt his lips sucking on her throat while his hands dropped to her thighs. She felt his fingers rubbing up against her cuntlips, the nails at times teasing her clit.
His hipbones bumped hers. She could feel him plowing the fat shaft of his prick up and down against her belly. Gasping for air, Marcie twisted her face away from Byron's, feeling so small and insignificant under him. She could feel the brush of his balls, the way the tip of his prick was shaped as it nudged up against her navel. His knees were spreading her open, pushing her thighs apart as he scooted up the bed.
Marcie knew what was about to happen. He was going to fuck that cock in her cunt the way Pardner had fucked her. Only his cock was much bigger. And he was going to fuck in all the way!
"Goin' in now, baby, goin' in all the way," he moaned, reaching up with both hands and squeezing her tits so hard her nipples stood up like small red rocks from her tits.
"Oh yes, yes,yes!" she cried, working her hips from left to right. She felt him pushing his prickhead in against her swollen cuntlips. Immediately pussy juice bubbled from her fuck hole, wetting down his cockshaft and making it all the easier for him to fuck her.
"Shove it . . . shove it in . . . oh yes, yes, yes," the girl babbled.
"You're hot, real hot. Come on, baby, and show me just how hot you are. Give your fuckin' cousin a break. He's been without a good hot pussy for a couple of weeks. Come on and gimme a good hot fuckin'." Byron was pinching her nipples while squirming on top of her.
Her cousin shoved down and forward with his hairy ass. Marcie pushed her head back into the pillow, arching her spine slightly while drawing in shuddering breaths. Her lungs felt as if they were going to burst as her cousin fucked in that fat, meaty cockhead. Marcie groaned, feeling the cockhead disappear between her cuntlips while his big long cockshaft was outside, waiting to fuck into her squirming body.
"Man, oh man," Byron cried, shaking the sweat from his face. "This is good fuckin'. That's what we're doing, baby, good hot fuckin'."
Byron was twisting his hips around so she could feel his cock working against her cuntal walls. The meaty cockhead reamed out the tight pink passage, fucking in deeper and deeper with wonderfully odd gurgling sounds. Marcie cried out again and again, raking her fingernails across Byron's shoulders.
"Ohhhh, move it, move that ass, move it like you did when I tongue-fucked you."
Marcie couldn't answer him. She was simmering, off in a world of her own. She felt his cockshaft slipping down into her body, tearing her in two. The girl groaned, feeling the pressure in her cunt become more intense as her cousin fucked deeper. Again she arched her spine, beating the backs of her legs against the mattress.
He told her he had only two inches of his prick inside her pussy, and there was all that fat, greasy cockmeat to squeeze in yet! And she wanted her cousin rolling down on top of her, squeezing her, shoving her down into the mattress. She reached up, slipping one arm around his neck to pull his body down on her all the more.
"Fucking, baby, fucking."
"Ohhhhh, fucking . . . fuck my pussy, fuck me, fuck, my pussy," Marcie babbled, moan- ing hot and heavy as she felt those inches of hard, fat cock sliding into her cunt.
"Take it, baby, take it," he ordered, bearing down on her hard.
His cock fucked through the tight, slippery passage. Marcie was coming unglued, feeling her cuntal muscles knotting up at the top of her pussy while her itchy cunt walls massaged the sinking cock.
"Fuckin' A! You're a virgin," Byron gasped as his prick ran into her cherry.
Marcie stiffened, her arms tightening around his neck while her face took on a look of terrible concentration.
"Gotta get rid of that ... now! he rasped.

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Last modified (12/24/96 14:14:32) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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